Pride Guidebook & Helpful Resources

Your Essentials to Success, Engagement, & Campus Life

mySuccess | Your 24/7 Success Toolkit

mySuccess is a one-stop hub full of resources, tools, and expert guidance. This page is designed to connect you with everything you need while navigating personal, academic, and professional journeys. We encourage you to bookmark this resource and refer to it for whatever you may need. 

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myWidener | Search. Click. Done.

myWidener is the go-to spot for searching anything Widener. Whether searching for resources using the search bar, exploring content grouped by categories, or favoriting your most frequently used resources - You can find a pathway for everything you need. 

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Experience Widener | Your Hub for Campus Engagement

Experience Widener is your student platform for all things engagement. Here, you'll find a robust student events calendar, a directory of clubs and organizations, and more.

Decoding the Pride

Decoding the Pride | Your Insider’s Campus Dictionary

We've crafted a helpful guide that covers the words and phrases frequently used during your time at Widener! From academic jargon to campus-specific terms, this guide will be your trusted companion, ensuring you feel confident and in-the-know as you embark on your journey at Widener. 

Helpful Orientation Resources

Achieving Academic Success

Achieving academic success at Widener University begins with setting clear goals and staying organized. Make the most of campus resources, such as academic advising and tutoring services, to support your learning journey. Cultivating a strong work ethic and balancing study with self-care will help you thrive both academically and personally. Below is a curation of links and resources to help you along the way. 

Explore Academic Wellbeing on mySuccess


College courses are much more demanding than high school, and it's up to you to make the right decisions and manage your time and responsibilities. The primary difference to understand is that in high school, you could simply follow rules that were strictly enforced. In college, you must choose responsibly, or you will face the consequences of actions or inactions. As a new student, you are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the academic resources Widener University has to offer. 

Academic Policies, Procedures & Regulations

Widener University strongly supports the concept of academic integrity and expects students and all other members of the Widener University community to be honest in all academic endeavors. 

Visit the academic catalog for more information regarding academic policies and procedures and academic regulations. 

Still have unanswered questions about our policies? Check out our Academic Resources, Policies, and FAQs page for more detailed information. 

Academic advisors help you translate your goals and interests into an effective and successful educational experience. They help you understand and navigate academic requirements, policies and procedures while guiding you in course selection. Make a point to see them at least once each semester to build a meaningful relationship.

To make the most of your advising experience, you should do the following:

  • Meet with your advisor each semester (by October/March) before you register for classes.
  • Make sure you're aware of important policies, procedures, academic dates and deadlines including withdrawal (course or university) and add/drop by checking the Undergraduate Catalog and Student Handbook found at
  • Understand university, general education, and your academic program requirements. 
  • Seek out information and make decisions regarding your academic/career goals. 
  • Take advantage of campus resources. 
  • Write down questions you have for your advisor and ask for help.
  • Assume final responsibility for course scheduling, program planning, and successful completion of graduation requirements. 

For more information and access to other resources, visit Academic Advising, Coaching & Tutoring Support. 

The PRIDE Mentoring Program at Widener University offers ongoing support through:

  • Individual and Group Workshops: Personal development activities and mentorship.
  • Academic and Social Support: Helps improve academic performance, build connections, adjust to college life, and develop leadership skills.
  • Retention and Graduation Enhancement: Designed to increase retention and graduation rates for new and transfer students.

Program features include:

  • Weekly Mentor-Protege Meetings: Regular connections between students and mentors.
  • Monthly Social Activities: Events planned by proteges and mentors.
  • Community Service Projects: Opportunities to engage in service.
  • Celebration and Recognition Events: Events to celebrate achievements.

Open to all incoming students committed to academic success, the program fosters social and cultural ties and enriches the undergraduate experience. For more information, visit the PRIDE mentoring program page or contact Kortne Smith, program coordinator, at

  • Go to class on time. That seems obvious, but it's important to remember. How can you be successful if you're not actually in class?
  • Use a planner. It'll be your most important tool. It doesn't matter if you use your phone or buy a paper calendar, you're going to need a system to organize your class schedule, assignments, deadlines, involvements, jobs, and life in general. Pick whatever works for you—and use it! 
  • Come to class prepared (every time!). Don't forget a writing utensil, notepad, syllabus, and your planner. 
  • Participate in class. Turn your cell phone off, take careful notes, ask questions, and turn assignments in on time. 
  • Get to know your professors. They're people too and can help you if you're struggling in class or you're just really interested in the topics they teach. Introduce yourself and visit during office hours. 
  • Show respect to everyone. 

Looking for more tips and insights into the college experience? Discover more advice and guidance on our mySuccess blog

Your Collegiate Toolkit

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Access your personal email and calendar.

Office 365

Office 365

Access Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Sharepoint, and more.

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Access your class schedule and individual course info.

Enrich Your College Experience: Engage, Celebrate, and Make an Impact

Activities & Events

Student Engagement & Activities

Get involved in campus life by joining a club, participating in student events, or staying active in athletics and recreation. Whether you're on the field or in the gym, there’s always something exciting happening to help you connect with fellow students.

Three students taking a selfie next to Widener pride statues

Campus Culture & Traditions

Embrace the vibrant traditions and culture that make our campus unique. From diversity and inclusion initiatives to long-standing campus traditions, you'll find meaningful ways to celebrate and engage with our community.


Widener Costa Rica Study Abroad

Global & Community Involvement

Make a difference by serving the community or expanding your horizons through study abroad opportunities. Our programs empower you to give back locally and globally, making a lasting impact wherever you go.


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Maintaining a safe, caring, and supportive community continues with you!

Help keep our Widener community safe by reporting issues or concerns that may affect the well-being of a student or campus community member. Our teams are equipped to respond to your concerns with helpful support, respect, and compassion.