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An Inside Look at Commencement 2024

The Communications Team
Watch the commencement recap video.

There’s nothing like commencement on campus. 

The white tent was once again up on Widener’s historic Memorial Field to serve as the perfect backdrop for graduates and their families as they celebrated the culmination of dedication in pursuit of academic achievement. 

President Stacey Robertson spoke at each ceremony, along with the respective leaders of the schools, colleges or program being celebrated, and reflected on what it means to flourish in life. 

Robertson advised graduates to build meaningful relationships, stay curious, pursue challenges and opportunities that scare them. 

“Little wins will drive your motivation and your confidence. Most important, don’t create boundaries for yourself. Do scary stuff! And don’t forget those meaningful relationships,” Robertson said. “Those relationships create a sense of belonging – and that feeling of belonging will make you brave.”

Widener conferred degrees in five ceremonies over the course of the week. Take a closer look at the 2024 celebrations.

View the photo album

2024 By the Numbers:

1,186 Graduates 🎓

634 undergraduates, 552 graduates

A Full House 🪑

2,850 chairs in the ceremony tent

Global Representation 🌎

Graduates hailed from 14 countries, including Ghana, India, Greece, South Africa, and Turks & Caicos, and 37 states, including Arizona, Hawaii, Oregon, and Utah. 

Pride on Display 🎉

4,000(ish) blue and gold pom-poms distributed

The Festivities Continue

Crossing the Stage in Style:

Grad Fit Check: