Maps & Directions

Trying to find your way to or around one of our three campuses? Follow our directions to get here on the easiest and most direct routes and to take a look at maps to help guide you through campus. 

Delaware Law School Campus

Deleware Law School

Widener’s Delaware Law School and Legal Education Institute are located on U.S. Route 202 (Concord Pike) in the northern suburbs of Wilmington, Delaware. Widener’s extended learning and graduate business students also attend classes at the Delaware Campus. Near the Delaware-Pennsylvania state line, the Delaware Campus is about 13 miles south of the Main Campus (about a 30-minute drive from the Main Campus).

More About Delaware Law School
Directions to Delaware Law School
Campus Map of Delaware Law School

Widener Law Commonwealth Campus

Commonwealth Law School

Widener Commonwealth Law School is located in Harrisburg, PA, just off I-81 and only five miles from the State Capitol, and a two-hour drive from northwest of Widener's Chester and Delaware Campuses.

More About Widener Law Commonwealth
Directions to Widener Law Commonwealth Campus
Campus Map of Widener Law Commonwealth

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