Campus Safety

Campus Safety

Your safety and well-being is our number one priority. Discover the ways our team is making Widener's campus a safe place to learn, live, and work.

Is Widener University Safe?

Going off to college and spending time away from home can seem intimidating, especially when you don’t know the area. Know that you can put your worries to rest while you’re at Widener University.

Widener University is safe as it can be due to our expert campus safety staff, who work around the clock all year long. You can often find our staff patrolling the grounds in vehicles, on bikes, or on foot. As a department that genuinely cares about the well-being of the University community, you’ll find a state-of-the-art surveillance system that covers the campus and extends into the adjacent surrounding neighborhoods.

Thanks to our staff’s dedicated work, the department has been able to report low crime statistics for the past few years!

About Campus Safety

campus safety officer with student 300x200

Campus Safety Officers

Our highly-trained campus safety officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. While Main Campus is under the primary jurisdiction of the Chester Police Department, our campus safety officers are designated “special officers" with the power to detain and arrest on the immediate and adjacent vicinity of university property. 

Our Campus Safety Officers:

  • Monitor and respond to criminal activity
  • Monitor residence hall security
  • Activate crisis management and provide timely warnings
  • Direct emergency response and evacuation procedures
  • Supervise fire safety
campus safety blue box

Campus Surveillance & Call Boxes

Our campus is home to a closed-circuit surveillance camera system monitored by safety officers. There are also 71 blue emergency call boxes across campus for alerting officers.

campus safety shuttle

Campus Shuttles

Our campus shuttles will transport you daily to stops on campus and off. Individual escort service is also available, as is emergency transportation to nearby medical facilities if needed.

Visit Maps & Directions Page for Shuttle Schedule

Parking Off-Campus

Chester residents can check their zone eligibility and apply for a residential permit parking permit through the Chester Permit Application Form.

Additional Safety Policies, Procedures, & Resources

The unapproved possession or use of ammunition, chemicals, flammable liquids, items that constitute a fire hazard, fireworks, offensive weapons, or explosives of any kind are strictly forbidden on campus. Offensive weapons include, without limitation, firearms of any kind, guns, pellet guns, B.B. guns, paintball guns, dart guns, bows and arrows, pepper spray and mace, any instrument that can hurl a projectile, brass knuckles, knives, hunting knives, and any other cutting instruments as determined within the sole discretion of the university, except those whose purpose is related to the preparation or consumption of food, as well as ammunition that can cause bodily harm. In addition, items that are not generally considered to be a weapon but could be used or viewed as a weapon are prohibited. Such items will be confiscated immediately.

Students violating these guidelines will be severely sanctioned up to and including expulsion. The university will report such violations to civil authorities if warranted.

Any of the above mentioned implements that are needed for a student’s activities or involvement on or off campus must be registered with the Office of Campus Safety and the Student Affairs Office; control and storage of these items shall be at the discretion of the Director of Campus Safety.

The university may permit exceptions to this procedure regarding items for the ROTC detachment, in which case control of these items shall be coordinated between the Director of Campus Safety and the military science professor. All such weapons must be placed in the secured arms area on campus.

Hazing is a serious cultural and public health problem that causes physical and mental harm to students nationwide. In continued support of hazing prevention and awareness, Widener University continues to prohibit all acts of hazing and adheres to the Timothy J. Piazza Antihazing Law, which defines hazing to include Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, and Organizational Hazing.

Learn More About Anti-Hazing

During a heightened state of security alert, report any of the following to Campus Safety:

  • People in buildings or areas who do not appear to be conducting legitimate business.
  • People monitoring areas, buildings, or entrances.
  • Unauthorized people in restricted, sensitive, or private areas.
  • People requesting information with no apparent need for that information.
  • People wearing clothing not consistent with the weather conditions at mass population events (bulky coat in warm weather etc.).
  • Abandoned parcels or other items in unusual locations or high traffic areas.
  • Individuals attempting to access utility locations (water, electrical, petroleum, telecommunications, information systems).
  • Multiple persons who appear to be working in unison, committing the above.
  • Propped open building/residence hall entrance doors/windows.

Also Be Aware Of: 

  • Abandoned vehicles.
  • Vehicles parked near buildings or public and common areas for an extended period of time.
  • Unexpected/unfamiliar delivery trucks.
  • Unfamiliar vehicles parked for long periods of time.
  • Vehicles containing unusual/suspicious parcels or material.
  • Vehicles arriving and being left behind at unusual hours.

In the event of a terrorist attack, natural disaster, or other large-scale emergency, the Department of Homeland Security will provide a coordinated, comprehensive federal response and mount a swift and effective recovery effort.

  • Keep your keys with you at all times; report lost keys to building manager/department head.
  • Protect access codes, combinations, and cards, change codes regularly; report compromised codes to the person in charge.
  • Familiarize yourself with building exits and emergency exit routes.
  • Report suspicious tampering with physical security (doors, locks, etc.).
  • Talk with co-workers; know what is out-of-place (unclaimed or unfamiliar items, etc.).
  • Account for and secure all sensitive material/information when you are not able to attend to it.
  • Account for and secure sensitive deliveries in a timely manner.
  • Homeland Security
    PA 717-651-2715
    DE 302-744-4101
    DE 302-659-3362 DEMA
  • State Police
    PA 484-840-1000 Chester
    PA 717-671-7500 Harrisburg
    DE 302-761-6677
  • Water Company
    PA 610-876-8181 Chester
    PA 717-238-8725 Harrisburg
    DE 302-366-7055
  • Electric/Gas Company
    PA 800-841-4141 Chester
    PA 800-841-4141 Harrisburg
    DE 302-366-7050
  • Mayor's Office
    PA 610-477-7723 Chester
    PA 717-255-3040 Harrisburg
    DE 302-571-4100 Wilmington
Weather Ready Ambassador Logo

As a WRN Ambassador, Widener University commits to working with NOAA and other Ambassadors to strengthen national resilience against extreme weather. In effect, the WRN Ambassador initiative helps unify the efforts across government, non-profits, academia, and private industry toward making the nation more ready, responsive, and resilient against extreme environmental hazards.

This is the first step to become a StormReady® Community.

For more information visit the Weather-Ready Nation website.

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