Kiara F. Allison, PhD
- Title IX Coordinator and Equal Opportunity Officer
About Me
I am a well-rounded higher education professional who began my career in student affairs. Prior to joining the Widener, community, I served as the case manager and deputy equal opportunity and Title IX coordinator in the Office of Equality and Diversity at Drexel University. I have served multiple campuses, a medical school, a law school, the Academy of Natural Sciences, and nearly 10,000 employees and 25,000 students. I have provided leadership around three core functions: initial response and assessment to all reports of sexual misconduct, discrimination, and harassment; the coordination of accommodations and support; and data management.
My educational background includes a bachelor of arts from Millersville University, a masters of education from the Pennsylvania State University, and a doctor of philosophy in cultural foundations of education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. I enjoy collaborating widely across the community to ensure that Widener University is free from all types of discrimination and harassment.
- Title IX Coordinator Testifies Before State Senate Committee
Kiara Allison, Title IX coordinator and equal opportunity officer, testified before Pennsylvania's Senate Democratic Policy Committee regarding domestic violence. Her testimony addressed the types of education and programs that students receive regarding sexual violence including domestic and dating violence, the effects of sexual violence on students including financial impacts, and made suggestions on how to address the problem of sexual violence on colleges campuses. Her testimony also advocated on behalf of increasing funding to local rape crisis and domestic violence centers and to continue the support of the state's Its On Us PA initiative led by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Allison's testimony can be viewed online here (starting at 1:37:50). The testimony can be found under the video headline "Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention, May 22, 2023."
Share link: https://www.widener.edu/news/noteworthy/title-ix-coordinator-testifies-state-senate-committee