
Nursing Awarded $214,000 to Support Nurse Educators

Emily Barrett, assistant director of communications
Nursing professor with a nursing undergraduate student in the simulation lab
A renewed federal grant offers financial incentives to nursing students who want to pursue a graduate nursing education degree.

The Health Resources and Services Administration awarded the School of Nursing $214,000 to address the shortage of nurse educators through the Nurse Faculty Loan Program.

A shortage of nurse educators is a dilemma faced by nursing programs in colleges and universities across the country. This program actively promotes careers in nursing education to offset the many factors that contribute to the continued shortage. 

“This program enables us to bolster the pipeline of nurse educators to lead the next generation of students,” said Anne Krouse, dean of the School of Nursing.

The federal program is designed to increase the number of qualified nurse educators in higher education by offering loan assistance for students who wish to enroll in graduate nursing education degree program.

“By supporting nursing professionals who are interested in pursuing a career in academia, we can ensure that our communities are equipped with clinically and culturally competent nurses today and in the future,” Dean Krouse added.

The program supports nurses, like Wendy Black Dorn, who want to expand their careers in a teaching capacity. 

Dorn, a nurse practitioner in women's health at Abington-Jefferson Health, is enrolled in the PhD program to gain the skills to lead both clinical and classroom instructions as well as contribute to nursing scholarship. 

Like many full-time professionals interested in an advanced nursing degree, going back to school can come at a financial and personal cost. 

“I couldn’t turn off of work and go to school,” Dorn said. “It would’ve been one step too much for my family to absorb.”

Enrolling in the loan program, according to Dorn, was “the only way I could afford to go back to school.” In addition to the financial support, the program’s flexibility enables her to pursue her professional goals and continue to work.

“The classes are made for people who work, people like me,” said Dorn. “I can go to class and still do my job."

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