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Small Business Development Center

SBDC Staff Awarded Funding from PA Department of Environmental Protection

Under the leadership of Jeremy Hancher, the EMAP Program Manager at Widener University’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and an adjunct faculty member in the School of Business Administration, the SBDC has been granted an award of $475,000. This funding, generously provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, will significantly aid the SBDC’s EMAP work.

The Environmental Management Assistance Program (EMAP) at Widener is a specialized consulting service of the Pennsylvania Small Business Development Centers (SBDC). EMAP provides free and confidential environmental compliance assistance to small businesses in the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Their expertise spans a wide range of services, including identifying relevant environmental rules and regulations, facilitating air quality emissions calculations, and preparing all necessary forms, permitting applications, and reports. This funding will enhance EMAP’s ability to serve the Pennsylvania small business community.

Share link: https://www.widener.edu/news/noteworthy/sbdc-staff-awarded-funding-pa-department-environmental-protection