I am actively researching Credit Risk Transfer products that are issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSEs). The products are designed to transfer default risk off the GSEs balance sheet protecting these entities from financial failure. The research focuses on the liquidity and returns of these products. I plan to expand the research to include the marketability of these products through high-interest rate time periods.
Faculty Research Interests
My research interests primarily involve capital markets. In particular, I am interested in how accounting information relates to the fundamental value of the firm and why market prices of firms' stocks diverge from fundamental value.
I primarily research and write about retirement and pension planning topics. I have over 100 published articles. An article I authored on calculating retirement needs helped to change how people determine the amount they need to retire.
I am interested in management accounting and financial accounting topics including control systems, judgment and decision making of managers and other financial statement users, ethical management practices, and sustainability and financial reporting. My research addresses accounting issues with interdisciplinary perspectives drawn from strategy, management, sociology, and psychology, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.