Tushabe Wa Tushabe

Tushabe Wa Tushabe

  • Associate Professor

Affiliated Programs


  • PhD, Decolonial, African Epistemologies (2008)
    Binghamton University (NY)
  • MA, Women’s Studies
    Texas Woman’s University (TX)
  • BA, Philosophy
    St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame (IN)

About Me

I enjoy the outdoors, waterfalls, mountains, hiking. When I am with my family, I enjoy listening to the the young and the elders in community tell stories they grew up hearing from their elders.

Research Interests

My research interests focus on decolonial and indigenous knowledges and practices, and sexualities through languages.  


  • Tushabe, Tushabe wa (2017). Sexual rights in Uganda and the struggle for meaning in community. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 21, 169-185. 
  • Tushabe, Caroline (2013). Decolonizing homosexuality in Uganda as a human rights process. In T. Falola & N. A. Amposah (Ed.). Gender and sexuality in Africa (142-156). Durham: Carolina Academic Press