Looking to hire interns, co-op students, or full-time employees? Look no further. Our students are career-ready and we work with employers like you to recruit the talent you need.
When our students graduate, they don’t just start their careers; they continue the work they’ve been doing all along. Through internships, our acclaimed co-op program, cutting-edge research, service learning, and other hands-on experiences, our students put their education into action. And our emphasis on communications, writing, problem solving, and other professional skills, equips them to thrive in any professional setting.
Ready for You
All that adds up to a workforce ready for you. Here at Widener, our professional staff, through our Office of Career Design and Development, builds purposeful relationships with employers, companies, and organizations so we can introduce leaders like you to these future industry trailblazers.
Recruit Here
We can help you recruit the talent you need and deserve. Connect with our students virtually and online by:
Scheduling a virtual or in-person class visit or sponsoring a meeting for a student organization or club via Zoom.
Participating as a mock interviewer during our virtual Mock Madness event held every semester.
Becoming a Widener co-op employer or hiring an intern or extern.
In-Demand. Well-Prepared.
Career Success for Class of 2024
95% of the Class of 2024 was employed, in grad school, or in military/other service within 6 months of graduation, according to the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE).
1000+ Organizations
provide experiential learning opportunities for Widener students in co-ops, internships, clinics, or public service in a single year
Choose Co-Op
For more than 30 years, our business, engineering, and computer science students have partnered with employers as part of our flexible, supportive co-op program. Widener students are career-ready and well-prepared to make meaningful contributions to any organization. And our professional staff provides support for employers and students throughout the co-op process.
Employers may choose to offer a position for all or part of this 8-month cycle.
Employers receive student resumes in early May (for cycle #1) or late August (for cycle #2).
Employers may interview a student as soon as they receive his or her resume by contacting the Career Design and Development office and providing the student’s name and a job description. Employers can manage the interview process on their own, or commission the Career Design and Development office to take charge.
Before extending an offer to a student, employers contact the Career Design and Development office with salary information and offer deadlines.
All co-op students work full-time: 32 hours per week or more.
Co-op students should receive a fair market wage. Career Design and Development staff can help research wages.
Hire an Intern
All Widener students are encouraged to pursue an educational learning opportunity – whether it’s through the co-op program or internships. Organizations can post internships for students on Handshake. Internship requirements are coordinated through specific academic departments at Widener.
Micro-Internships are short-term, paid, professional assignments that enable students from all majors to build and demonstrate skills where exploring a variety of career paths. Unlike traditional internships, Micro-Internships can take place year-round and typically range from 5 to 40 hours of work.