Electrical Engineering Labs & Equipment

Take a Look Into Our Labs 

Electric Engineering Lab has 12 stations for students to use.

Electric Circuits Lab: KH 329 and KH 331

Electric Circuits labs are heavily used by our undergraduate students. The courses taught in these labs cover electrical and electronic circuits. Each lab has 12 stations, and one station is equipped with Tektronix PS 280 (DC power supply), Tektronix TDS 3012 60 & 100 MHz(Oscilloscope), Tektronix CDM 250 (Digital Multimeter), and Agilent 33220 A 20 MHz Function Generator OR Agilent 33500B Function Generator. There are currently 24 units in our two labs.  KH-329 and KH-331 

The Electric Engineering Instrumentation/Microcontroller Lab is an instructional lab, a facility for senior project, and research

Instrumentation/Microcontroller Lab: KH 333

The Instrumentation/Microcontroller lab serves three purposes: an instructional lab, a facility for senior project, and research. For a senior project and research, there are three sets of Quanser Aero experimental drone control platform. The lab is equipped with imaging radar systems, that allow high-resolution three-dimensional imaging of complex scenes encompassing stationary and moving objects as well as animate and inanimate targets. The facility has range-Doppler radars operating at 77 GHz and capable of multi-radar system sensing of human motions. 

Electric Engineering Epic Lab at Widener University

Electrical Engineering Epic Lab: KH 234

The EPIC Laboratory is used as a facility for research and education in electronics, photonics, and integrated circuits. The Laboratory allows for design, assembly, and testing of electronic and photonic systems. KH 234 

Keep Exploring

Widener's engineering facilities provide you with hands-on experience and exposure to state-of-the-art equipment to set you up for a successful education, career, and future.