Ciampa, Katia_Photo 032021

Katia Ciampa, PhD

  • Director of Reading Programs
  • Associate Professor

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  • PhD, Education, Cognition & Learning (2014)
    Brock University (Ontario, Canada)

About Me

I'm an Associate Professor in the Center for Education at Widener University where I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in reading/literacy. My research interests include digital literacy, teacher self efficacy beliefs for literacy instruction, culturally responsive literacy instruction, the role of motivation in literacy learning, supporting pre-service and in-service teachers’ literacy instructional and assessment practices in the 21st century.


Ciampa, K., Reisboard, D., & McHenry, N. (2022). What analysis reveals about teacher educators’ understanding of culturally responsive instruction and translation into practice. The Teacher Educator, 1-22.  

Ciampa, K., & Jagielo-Manion, R. (2021). Teaching and assessing early literacy during  COVID-19 and beyond: Key findings. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 17(2), 1-18.

Ciampa, K., & Gallagher, T. L. (2019). Exploring Canadian and American pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy and knowledge of literacy instruction. Teaching Education. doi:10.1080/10476210.2019.1658925

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